An uncontrollable desire.
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The topic and the feeling of LOVE is something that is desired by all human beings walking this planet. I personally think it is the most powerful thing amongst human beings. I feel this way because of the good that it can do if utilized correctly. Love is something we not only want but we need for us to be complete beings. Who feels complete without love? Show me that person and I will show you a liar. One of the biggest issues is that we seek love instead of letting it come to us. You will only receive genuine love when you love yourself and have an understanding for what love means. This necessary feeling comes in different shapes and sizes. Most children need and receive love from their parents. Adults need and receive love from children, friends, family, and intimate companions. You must show your child love and let them know that you love them as much as possible. A child needs that to develop and become a successful adult and I don’t mean successful financially. Adults are much more difficult in their love needs. Once a person becomes an adult, if love wasn’t a great emotion in the household as a child the damage from that deficiency is visible. The problem with it not being in the household at an early age is the desire clouds judgement in relationships. The bad judgement is accepting verbal abuse, physical abuse, lies, and manipulation. You can receive this from family, friends, or even a lover.
How do you receive proper love and from the right person as an adult? You must learn to love yourself first. Self-love then becomes an electric aura around you. Being alone and doing what it is that makes you happy will help in learning to love yourself. Smiling even when you don’t want to, appreciating who you are and where you are in life regardless of the circumstances, doing what you love more than anything else, and showing others love as well. This is the remedy to receiving the love you want and need. This is not a one-time thing, you must be consistent in doing these things to receive that genuine love. Genuine love is different from each person in your life. Genuine love never waivers, if lies and deceit aren’t in play within the relationship. IF you want genuine love then you must know how to give genuine love in return. Giving genuine love is accepting the individual for exactly who they are and not holding a condition against them. The love can’t leave if the person stops doing certain things for you or if the person changes in life. Genuine love is unconditional, and what you are in love with is the person’s character and soul. When that person changes or is not doing certain things for you that is beneficial, the love should not stop. How do you fall out of love with someone? You fall out of love with a person because you never really loved them for who they really are. You must have soul announcing conversations with your loved one, and always stay in tune with just that. When you have a child, you love them regardless of their evolution in life. Now I know a child is of different status compared to any other being in your life, but your love never waivers with your child. You fall in love with the attention from an adult and what they do for you. I ask that if you remove the attention and what they do for you, will you still love that person? Love is not used for your convenience in life and this emotion should be used when it is genuinely there. This powerful emotion should be given to all around you but of course on different levels. Intimate and close relationships will be on a higher level than with a stranger. Look at all the intimate relationships that you profess your love for and ask yourself if you removed the attention and what they do and can do for, will you still love that person? When you love yourself first, you then find it easy to give love to others. I write this so that you understand that love is powerful and should be used wisely. Love is more than a word and when we understand just that, love can be spread throughout the world. Learn love and spread love. Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything.