Donald’s departure. 4 years have come and gone and the country is exactly the same as when he took office. That last statement is of course not including the pandemic. Inexperienced and ignorant to life, he took the world by surprise when he won the election for presidency. The country was greatly divided with him taking office, but I say it has always been divided. I stay out of politics because my care and knowledge of the topic is non-existent. This world is divided, and America spearheads that division. This country has always been racist and full of hate. I don’t have to give a history lesson as to why because it’s obvious.
Nothing new has happened in his term besides him being outspoken verbally and on twitter. If you think Donald is the first president not to care for the minority community then you're sadly mistaken. The man is saying and doing what others were afraid to do. Why does the honesty scare or bother most? Honesty has always been frowned upon in life and this is just a great example of just that. Donald had and will never have any effect on my spirit or my life. No man leads me nor can he tear me down. The person that has let this president move them emotionally, mentally, or physically must reevaluate themselves within. I secretly enjoyed watching the effect that his term has had on this world and how people are shocked and in awe of who he is and who he represents. He isn’t the reason George Floyd or any other Black American has been killed by law enforcement. He is not the reason why you aren’t accepted in that affluent neighborhood. He is not the reason why so many people hate you because the color of your skin. He is not the reason why you have that chip on your shoulder on a daily basis. Those factors were there before him and they will be there long after him. I am writing to tell you that as long as hate, racism, and ignorance move you then physical, mental, emotional, and financial freedom will forever evade you. Biden is the president elect and I am almost certain that those powerful negative things will continue to exist. Take control of your life NOW. Don’t wait for the president of the United States to make you comfortable, create your own comfort. I am here to tell you that it’s possible. If you feel different, tell me how your life changed after the next 4 years with your new President. I am not sad to see Donald go but I am sad to see that individuals still aren’t awake. Your life is to be led by you and or a higher power if you believe in such. The man in a suit speaking behind the podium is just a man in a suit speaking behind a podium. You can choose to give him power over your life if you so choose to. I choose not. We all have a choice and I mean ALWAYS. So farewell Donald to your life of misery but the fight continues. Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson