Why and how did this all start? This rallying, fighting, and death has happened over the removal of a statue? The statue of Robert E. Lee is a direct insult to Black Americans and minorities in America. Robert E. Lee was a general in the confederate forces and of course a slave owner. Lee was very mean and cruel with his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves that attempted to escape from his plantation, according to past documentation. He was a great white man for white confederates, but for African Americans, Minority Americans and some White Americans he is a repulsive individual. The statue should be removed from the park immediately and in fact, should have never been created. His name was removed from a high school in Houston with a large Latino population, and renamed as Margaret Long Wisdom High School. A Gen. Robert E. Lee statue was removed from the Lee Circle in New Orleans under a 2015 City Council vote. The park where the statue is stationed in Charlottesville, Va., has been renamed to Emancipation Park. The Charlottesville statue removal has been met with a counter suit and white racist protesters, that want to stop the removal of the statue.
The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Va., went up in 1924. A year later, the U.S. Congress voted to use federal funds to restore the Lee mansion in the Arlington National Cemetery. This statue has been in its place for 93 years and now it is the center of all media and American conversations. People have died and been injured in the overall protest of the potential statue removal. The white racists decided to protest and file a lawsuit to stop the statue removal. White racists decided to rally to yell and scream but why were there counterdemonstrators? People must understand that fighting fire with fire isn’t always the answer. Let them protest and look like fucking idiots, that’s how their protest should have been handled. If no one records it or calls the media, then there is nothing to be talked about regarding their rally. It’s upsetting to even know that they can protest, but let’s get the verdict of the lawsuit before we fight back. Now people have died and been injured and there is possibility that the statue can remain in its current location. Racism is alive and was alive before Trumps inauguration. It was alive before the black lives matter movement began and will be around while human beings exist. I want us to pick our battles wisely and fight when it’s time to fight. Three people have died due to this dumb protest about a damn statue. I know the pain runs deeper than the statue and that’s understood. There are bigger issues going on today and they start in our own communities. Let’s start fighting the gang violence and senseless murders in our communities first. I can bet my life that there have been more minorities hurting one another than white hate crimes against minorities. Let’s fix ourselves before we battle another race. This does not mean don’t fight against racism but at least put up the same fight in your own communities. Bless all fighting against racist assholes in Virginia. Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson.
Detroit is the most powerful racially centered movie I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen them all. I cried on the escalator as I left the theater. I had no words for hours after the film that lasted 2 and a ½ hours. The film was long but had me running through many different thoughts. Life is already hard to understand, but the things that happen in this life make it harder to understand. The question of WHY, was all my brain could come up with during the film. Why are we expecting to change others first, instead of changing ourselves first? Why so much hatred to a person of another color or culture? Why do black people burn down and loot things from their own neighborhoods? If a child gets in trouble and is sent to his or her room, and once in the room the child destroys the room and throws some of the things out of the window. What is the outcome for that child from a sensible parent? That parent will make that child clean that room and whatever that was thrown out the window is now lost. If a child wants to hurt his or her parents for being disciplined or mistreated, shouldn’t the child destroy some of the parent’s precious things? If the child destroys all the good china, breaks all the electronics, and steals all jewels, the effect would be greater. If black people are angry at how they are being treated, then you must hurt the pockets of the people that are mistreating you. Don’t loot your neighborhoods, loot theirs. Stop shopping at their establishments, stop going to their sporting events, and don’t use their products. Money is the only thing that will affect racism and social issues. Marching won’t work unless the disturbance is significant and consistent. Speeches don’t work unless there is change that comes after the speech from the people that are in the audience. Imagine what would happen if black and brown people stopped buying and supporting outside of their race and culture. The change starts and ends with MONEY! There is NO justice externally before internally. Stop expecting a conviction to make you feel better. The only justice is within your mind and spirit. No man walking this earth can give you TRUE justice. Your child is murdered by a police officer that is white and your child is a minority. The cop goes to trial and is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. What does this do for you after he is convicted? He goes to jail and gets three hot meals a day and a bed for the rest of his life and you must live without your child for the rest of yours. You both have life in prison at that point if inner peace isn’t established. His imprisonment is of the physical and mental state and yours is of the mental and possibly physical also. The only way to create change is to change ourselves. STOP SELLING AND DOING THEIR DRUGS. STOP USING THEIR FIREARMS. STOP STEALING AND KILLING YOUR OWN RACE AND ANY OTHER RACE. Stop gangbanging for drugs and neighborhoods and create untraditional “gangs” to uplift the community and support one another. If you stop giving them a reason to come in your neighborhoods from 9-1-1 calls then the attacks against minorities MAY POSSIBLY go down. I know some of the things are unpreventable but some effort must be made to change things and we can’t expect them to make the change for minorities. This is not hate teaching. This is education to get the change that is desired in this world. Change won’t happen until it starts within first. You can not change the way someone treats you until you treat yourself better. Support each other first and then we can support others. You don’t have to be mean or angry to make these changes. We are all ONE and I know one day that it is possible that racism will lose its greatness, but it has to be some effort put in your own neighborhoods and cultures. Written by: Ronald Anthony Wilson. |