Donald’s departure. 4 years have come and gone and the country is exactly the same as when he took office. That last statement is of course not including the pandemic. Inexperienced and ignorant to life, he took the world by surprise when he won the election for presidency. The country was greatly divided with him taking office, but I say it has always been divided. I stay out of politics because my care and knowledge of the topic is non-existent. This world is divided, and America spearheads that division. This country has always been racist and full of hate. I don’t have to give a history lesson as to why because it’s obvious.
Nothing new has happened in his term besides him being outspoken verbally and on twitter. If you think Donald is the first president not to care for the minority community then you're sadly mistaken. The man is saying and doing what others were afraid to do. Why does the honesty scare or bother most? Honesty has always been frowned upon in life and this is just a great example of just that. Donald had and will never have any effect on my spirit or my life. No man leads me nor can he tear me down. The person that has let this president move them emotionally, mentally, or physically must reevaluate themselves within. I secretly enjoyed watching the effect that his term has had on this world and how people are shocked and in awe of who he is and who he represents. He isn’t the reason George Floyd or any other Black American has been killed by law enforcement. He is not the reason why you aren’t accepted in that affluent neighborhood. He is not the reason why so many people hate you because the color of your skin. He is not the reason why you have that chip on your shoulder on a daily basis. Those factors were there before him and they will be there long after him. I am writing to tell you that as long as hate, racism, and ignorance move you then physical, mental, emotional, and financial freedom will forever evade you. Biden is the president elect and I am almost certain that those powerful negative things will continue to exist. Take control of your life NOW. Don’t wait for the president of the United States to make you comfortable, create your own comfort. I am here to tell you that it’s possible. If you feel different, tell me how your life changed after the next 4 years with your new President. I am not sad to see Donald go but I am sad to see that individuals still aren’t awake. Your life is to be led by you and or a higher power if you believe in such. The man in a suit speaking behind the podium is just a man in a suit speaking behind a podium. You can choose to give him power over your life if you so choose to. I choose not. We all have a choice and I mean ALWAYS. So farewell Donald to your life of misery but the fight continues. Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson
I truly and firmly believe that we all have genius level capabilities. Finding that genius level within yourself can seem difficult, and the biggest obstacle is just believing that you have the ability. Society teaches us that only certain people can be geniuses, and those certain people are far and few in between. This understanding drives doubt within yourself and doubt is a genius killer. “I am a genius and will share my genius capability with the world”. Speak that into existence and believe it with your soul. This article is inspired by a 60 minutes special I watched last night on the blind sensation Matthew Whitaker. Matthew is not able to physically see but mentally he can see it all.
Matthew has been blind since birth. Born three months prematurely, he weighed less than two pounds and was given a 50 percent chance survival. Retinopathy of prematurity is what caused his blindness, but led to him playing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” on a toy Yamaha keyboard he received as a birthday present. He played this song based on what he heard by ear. This young man who is now 18 years of age has performed at venues including Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, and the Apollo Center, where at 10 he opened for Stevie Wonder induction into the Apollo Theater’s Hall of Fame. This young man has achieved things that people can only dream, even though he can’t physically see. Individuals that have “disabilities” but go on to display their genius has always been amazing to me. The fact that they are without something and majority of the world has all their capabilities says a lot about the majority. The majority are missing just one thing and that one thing is belief. Believe in yourself, your dreams, and your capabilities. I look for inspiration and motivation daily, and the “60 minute” special that I watched focusing on Matthew Whitaker last night inspired this post. My belief in myself has become stronger and stronger each day. I want the majority to develop a strong belief within themselves also. That one thing (belief) is what stops the genius from revealing itself. It’s ok to believe in yourself and be confident in your discovery of your genius level. Matthew had the benefit of loving and supportive parents and surrounding friends and family. We all aren’t blessed with those benefits but it’s a simple decision to BELIEVE. Believe and be confident in your dreams and genius level ability. If your having a hard time seeing it, WATCH Matthew Whitaker. Written By; Ronald Anthony Wilson Hate today is the same hate that has always been in society. Technology has given the world a look inside of the hate and fear that has been embedded in this society for hundreds of years. I know you all are seeing the different racial and discriminatory incidents lately, and think that racism has spiked. The cell phone has just been the window to the madness in America and the rest of the world. Opening the video camera and then uploading takes seconds today. No more handheld portable cameras or camcorders. The quality of video is amazing and so is the audio. I have seen quite a few incidents lately that will have most in fear just to do common things. Sitting in your apartment, walking out of a store, walking into your apartment complex, selling water, bar-b-que in the park, and swimming in a pool has all been hard to do for some individuals. The incidents that have occurred are just a drop in an ocean of discrimination and hate in this world. White women have been at the forefront of the complaints and discrimination in the incidents listed above. African Americans have been fighting the police for their lives and now it seems they have to be afraid of white women as well. Now for the idiots that don’t know me, I love all people and I primarily have dated outside of my race (white women, Asian women, and Hispanic women) for many years now. So, no, this is not a racist rant. There has been an ongoing fear of black men with white women forever. A Black man approaching a white woman walking on the sidewalk and usually the woman moves her purse or crosses to the other side of the street. Should that fear be in reverse now? Should African Americans cross the street or run the other way when in the presence of a white women? The answer to those questions is hell no. Don’t let these incidents put you in fear of living your day to day life. This shit will happen now and in the future as the past has set this up to be relevant today. To the hateful and ignorant white women of this world, STOP IT. You are actually hurting yourself more than you think you’re protecting yourself. Calling the cops and questioning someone has resulted in job lost, societal finger pointing, and court appearances. You look dumb and accomplish nothing by not minding your damn business. Minorities must not live in fear and keep living life as they desire. Trump is not the spark of racism, this has been going on forever. This is not new to society, so don’t let this shit rattle you at all. Minorities have been handling themselves very well in these circumstances, regardless of the hate and discrimination that they are receiving. So “Conerstone Caroline”, “BBQ Becky”, “Permit Patty”, “Pool Patrol Paula”, and all the rest of you police calling ass women, figure your ignorance and get rid of your hatred. Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson This is America! No, this article will not be about Childish Gambino’s lyrics to his chart-topping song made in reference to the injustices committed against black Americans. This is about separation, injustice, cruelty, an inhumane treatment of other individuals. This ‘zero tolerance’ policy is hurting more than it’s helping. There are currently 3 camps located in Texas with a 4th soon to open in Houston. Detaining people that are crossing the border for reasons of their own should not be detained unless it involves illegal activities. Separating children from their parents is just outrageous and beyond disgusting. This country shouldn’t have any policies as to who can and can’t come here. We are all living on stolen and or borrowed land. Native Americans were original settlers, and whomever you believe (God) created the land are the actual owners of the land. The audacity of these gangsters (Government) to stop others from coming here to make a life for themselves without hard limits is ridiculous. We should be inviting all races and cultures here to live and improve this country. I pray for the children and adults that are being detained in these “summer camps” according to a fox news anchor, who shall remain nameless. Donald Trump and his administration signed a bill to reverse the course of family separations today. To Donald Trump and his administration, Fuck you and your bill. Love and empathy is needed in this world and particularly in this situation.
Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson Pray for Kate Spades daughter. Pray that she gets more than enough love from friends and family. She is the most important person after the tragic suicide of Kate Spade. Kate Spade committed suicide in her New York apartment on June 5th, 2018. She leaves behind her 13-year-old daughter, husband and a host of relatives. Kate Spade was 55. I don’t know Kate Spade or anything about Kate Spade. Mental health has been a great topic for a couple years now. Kanye West, Kate Spade, Donald Trump, Kevin Love, and a host of other celebrities have been in the news regarding mental health. Mental health is not new and has been an issue since the beginning of time. Social Media heightens the awareness of topics that have always been an issue. People are also more open about their issues with mental health than they were in the past. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse Family history of mental health problems Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors can be an early warning sign of a problem: Early Warning Signs Eating or sleeping too much or too little Pulling away from people and usual activities Having low or no energy Feeling numb or like nothing matters Having unexplained aches and pains Feeling helpless or hopeless Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared Yelling or fighting with family and friends Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships Having persistent thoughts and memories you can't get out of your head Hearing voices or believing things that are not true Thinking of harming yourself or others Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school. I have dealt with mental health issues over the course of my life, and I think we all have in life. Depression, anxiety, and many things that we think are small fall under the mental health status. My entire purpose is to help people with their mental health. You don’t have to be diagnosed with anything to have mental health issues. Negativity and being a follower can also be a mental health issue. Talk to someone to release some of that mental pressure. The person may not know that they are helping you with your issue, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to your health. Pay attention to the things that are going on in your mind. Acknowledge the bad and negative thoughts and immediately and change your train of thought. If you haven’t mastered that process, then I suggest you find someone that can be an ear for your frustrations. Medicine should always be your last result. You want to control your own thoughts and not let a drug be the controller of your thoughts and emotions. I think most of us have ability to master our thoughts and create great mental health as well. My mental health has gotten better over the years. I first had to realize that I didn’t want negativity to be in my thoughts. I wanted to have great health. I wanted my mind to be as strong as a natural body builder. I had to have a strict diet and great exercise for my mind. My diet consists of inspiring movies, speeches, books, podcasts, people, and environment. My exercise consisted of meditation, prayer, and thought correction as well. The mental diet is the anchor of your mental health. It makes the mental exercise quite simple. The great thing is that it’s nothing like physical dieting and exercise. There is no pain involved in the exercise and the diet starts with the people and your environment. Change or adjustment the people that are in your life, and the environment that you live will make the mental dieting easy. I am here to tell you that it’s hard and a struggle at times but its worth it and you feel better. This will enhance your faith, success, and love life. You will find issues and obstacles easier to deal with as well. All will work out. If you need help call a friend, family member, life coach, or therapist. Written by Ronald Anthony Wilson. Believe in yourself, and it will all work out? How in the hell is this “self-belief” accomplished? What’s the trick, book, video, or special person I need to speak with to have this magical experience? I have heard it from many speakers, rappers, actors, spiritual leaders, religious leaders, singers, and the list goes on and on. Of course, the people that have it all preach self-belief. It’s easy to tell the people who have nothing that the main thing to do is just believe in yourself. Sounds like bullshit and I hate bullshit. Why does it all seem so simple? I am 34 years of age and the clock is continuing to tick and patience isn’t a strong point of mine. I officially changed my mindset and outlook on life in 2016. I decided that I wanted to give my life and all to helping others. I wanted to help others chase their dreams and let nothing stop them as I had decided. I mean, I was tired of hearing people not thinking and wanting more for their lives. Work, retire, and then die. Why weren’t people striving to leave their stamp on this earth? I recognize the individuals that have made the decisions to leave a legacy behind. Teachers, doctors, nurses, good police, firemen, and all professions that have a primary purpose for the better good of others. Those individuals are leaving a direct impact on the people they have direct contact with and I think that is amazing. Not everyone has to leave a legacy of being a CEO, business owner, millionaire, actor/actress, rich, or famous, but we all have greatness inside of us. We gain access to this greatness according to other greats, by believing in ourselves. I have not totally gained access to my greatness but I’m trusting the process. I laugh at “trusting the process” quite often today. This saying seems to be used and abused by people that are successful. Fuck the process just give me the dream! I am ready damnit! Let me just tell you, trusting the process sucks. My dreams and goals are beyond my current life and this take lots of sacrifice. Giving up fun, traveling, and money has led me to some mentally frustrating days. I am here to tell you that my faith and belief in this dream is tested DAILY. I am obsessed with this dream of mine, so I have made it impossible to lose faith in it happening for me. I am ready and willing to die to make this dream happen for me. I am writing this to say that regardless of how dumb it may sound and how it may seem easy for a successful person to vomit “trust the process” over and over, you must do just that and trust the process. Decide to live life as you want to live it and don’t settle for anything else. There isn’t a trick, book, video, or anything else to help you accomplish self-belief. You have to be tired of living unfulfilled. You have to be fed up with knowing that others are achieving your dreams and not including you. It has to piss you off that someone that doesn’t work as hard as you do has accomplished their dreams. Don’t just live to survive but live and help the surviving live as well. I have been doing minor things to keep my dream alive, but it has still been tough. If you have started pursuing your dream don’t you ever give up. It is better to die trying then to have never tried at all. Too many dreams are buried in the cemetery without the fuse ever being lit. Light the fuse and start the pursuit, no matter how big or small your dream may be. BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT because I am. Written By Ronald Anthony WIlson
Yes, it is time that I write about this topic and hopefully I can Inspire men to value and look at things differently in life today. Women that are part of this movement and women all over the world have had my sympathy and anger in regard to men sexual assault and harassment. I must admit I have been less sympathetic lately, due to the many allegations that have come through the media. I thought that some women are just out for attention, sympathy, fame, and most importantly money. Now, that may be the case for some women that have made claims against famous men and men of wealth, but definitely not all. To the women that are making claims of sexual assault or harassment and it is not true, you are ruining it for the women that have been assaulted or harassed. I beg of you to stop. This movement is essentially “the chickens coming home to roost” in the words of the genius Malcolm X. All accusations are justified in my eyes and it is all MEN fault. WE have treated women like objects and slaves since the beginning of mankind. I would like it to be known that I am including myself when I say “WE”. Women are fighting back, and men are suffering because of it. The women revolution is televised, and it has gone to another level. These men haven’t been found guilty or even charged with anything and their careers have been ruined by allegations of sexual assault or harassment. When a revolution starts, there will be some innocent people that will have to suffer and that is a sad thing. Some men don’t deserve to be accused of these horrendous allegations but that’s what happens in revolutions for great causes. The civil rights movement had many innocent casualties, which was totally unfair. Without those casualties of reputation and life, I could not write this article and actually have many people read it today. Life sucks and it is unfair and that is something that we have to ALL deal with. The treatment of women by men has been unfair and disgusting at the same time. Marriage was created as a way to enslave and show ownership of a women or in some cases many women. Women are objectified for their bodies and have their mind disregarded. A woman goes to a hotel room and SEX is automatically happening? If we are going to an event there must be beautiful women at the event. Hip hop videos can’t be done without a half-naked or naked woman. Men tend to only hire women that they are attracted to first instead of their qualifications. Cooking and cleaning is demanded and expected in the relationship. Men have given women this power to make allegations and ruin careers and lives. You have put sex and vagina on this pedestal and now it’s fallen right on top of you. Men have made their entire lives around power and women. Can you imagine what the world would look like if men put some of the energy into the greater good of mankind instead of trying to conquer women. What if men didn’t gawk over women naked or in tight revealing clothing? What if men didn’t think of sex first? What if men weren’t always doing things for the attention of women? What if men never sexualized or called women any of the degrading names that were created to make them feel less than? What if men talked about positive and great things that could help others and impact the world, instead of women? All the questions asked is why the metoo movement is here and why it will be relevant for a long time to come. Men, you’ve made your bed now lay in it. You, dickhead assholes that get off on your power and money are now in some trouble. Many men agree with Trumps’ comment of “just grab them by the pussy”. Now women are turning men into pussy’s. Harvey Weinstein knows that he probably wouldn’t even have sex if it wasn’t for his money and power. Millionaires and Billionaires are able to live the lives of attractive men, and some men just don’t know how to handle that power. The abuse of both has now come back to you in a bad way. The unfortunate thing is that jailtime for some will not happen and still will maintain wealth, but the creeper flag will fly high above you from now on. Women none of this is your fault and will never be your fault. Written By: Ronald Anthony WIlson. Equality.
Equality in the world and especially in America has been a great topic of conversation lately. Stories have been all over the news and social media, and it has minorities feeling uncomfortable and angry. The dis-comfort is something that I feel is a good thing, but the anger is concerning. The black boy from the H&M ad that was wearing the hooded sweatshirt with the saying, “The coolest monkey in the Jungle”. Donald Trump made a comment about Haitians and Africans coming to America from their “Shithole countries”. Dave Chappelle made jokes about transgenders and those jokes have the LGBTQ community in an uproar. Inequality is something that has diseased human beings since humans started walking this planet. Inequality is more of a mental killer than it is physical. Equality is something that this world will never experience as long as human beings have that 1% difference in their genetic make-up. We are 99% the same but that small percentage creates differences in race, height, skin color, facial structure and this list goes on. H&M The black child that was dressed in a hooded sweatshirt with “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle” printed on the front, has black Americans highly upset. There have been recreations of this ad posted all over social media. The recreations of the ad alter the sweatshirt to display positive words or images. The recreations are happening because referring to a black person as a monkey is hurtful, disrespectful, and racists. This ad was very insensitive to an overly sensitive society today. The minority community is on edge and everything that seems even a bit racist will not be excepted. Whomever oversaw this ad is completely out of touch with the black community and what is considered disrespectful and hurtful. The funny part about this situation is the boy that is wearing the sweatshirt mother’s reaction. Her exact words are “Stop crying wolf all the time, unnecessary issue here… get over it.” There have been other advertisements that the black community has called racist. There will soon be no black faces in any advertisements and I am sure that will be an issue as well. Trump Comments Donald Trump is a complete idiot and the world knows this. Yes, I think Donald Trump is racist, but I also feel the same about 41 of previous presidents. I wouldn’t consider JFK, Obama, and Lincoln racist presidents, based on what I have knowledge of. Trump is in the wrong era to speak negatively and think no one will find out about it right away. You can’t let his ignorance distract or discourage you from what’s most important for yourself and your family. This current presidential term is a complete reality show, but how can America be upset about something that is glorified and praised on a daily. Society today gave Donald Trump permission to become president. You can’t glorify drama and bullshit on a daily and not expect it to invade every aspect of your life. Reality tv and celebrities during the social media age have become bigger than life. It started with Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming Governor of California. He had no political qualifications but was elected based on popularity. All I can say is “be careful what you ask for.” Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle is the greatest comedian of my generation. He is raw, funny, and honest with his feelings and comedy. His honest comedy has transgenders upset and feel disrespected by Chappelle’s recent Netflix comedy specials. I am not transgender and that means that I can not identify with how a transgender should feel about jokes directed towards them. I am familiar with comedy and being a minority in America. I know that being sensitive in America will definitely stunt your growth. Every time someone jokes or speaks negatively about your sexuality shouldn’t rattle or hurt your feelings. You must understand that there are already issues with race, weight, money, and height. How do you think the world is going to react to a person changing their sex? You Have to Relax Words and advertisements have people upset and focused on shit that does not really matter. H&M will still go on with business as usual after this blows over in a week. Donald Trump is a racist president and the time to fix that was November of 2016. Dave Chappelle will continue to be booked and make millions of dollars regardless of other’s feelings. People will be mean and say some hurtful shit but if you let it anger you, or everything turns into a protest, how can you be taken seriously. This is not the civil rights movement so stop trying to recreate it. There is no such thing as equality amongst human beings. There will always be some separation and you can thank human beings for that. As a minority you will have to fight, work 10 times harder, and make very little mistakes. That is life and that changing may not happen before I die. I love being the underdog. I love to fight and overcome all obstacles thrown my way. I don’t want it easy or placed in my lap. The appreciation for what I receive won’t be as great as it would be if it came as easy for the non-minority. Focus on your life and goals and make them a priority for yourself and your loved ones. Written By:Ronald Anthony Wilson. There is no bright side to the Las Vegas mass shooting, so I won’t attempt to try and paint one for you. Suicide is a terrible thing to have on your mind and if a person does, he or she should reach out to family and friends or seek professional help. In the case of a shooting massacre by some idiot that doesn’t value life, SUICIDE is the best choice that he or she could make, and I mean BEFORE you decide to kill someone else. The questions that go through my mind after hearing about the murdering of innocent people by maniac assholes are unanswerable. No one that is sane knows what would possess someone to kill 59 people and injure over 500. Blame Game There is one thing that I hate the most about this country after a massacre or a disaster that kills innocent people. That one thing is the blame game, and it’s an obvious blame but of course politicians and the media don’t want to turn tragic events into politics. Hurricanes are natural disasters that are helped by global warming. Massacres happen at the hands of a person with an automatic weapon. Politics play an even bigger role in both cases. This man just killed 59 people and injured over 500 and the media, politicians, and investigators have hotel security as the NUMBER ONE issue. It’s not fucking hotel security, it’s the fact that this maniac was able to get his hands on automatic weaponry, LEGALLY. He bought all the automatic rifles at a gun store. This was not a back alley, pop your trunk, and pick out what stolen automatic rifles you want. Hey politicians, you are guilty of murder. You helped kill 59 and injure over 500 innocent concertgoers. All of you assholes should be sentenced to death by firing squad. No one needs an automatic rifle (AR15, AK47, etc.) in their home to defend themselves and their loved ones. You can use a nice hand gun or a shotgun, and with good aim to get the job done. The media has talked to this mans brother, mentioned his father being on the FBI wanted list a MILLION times, wondered how he got the guns in his room, marked his girlfriend as a person of interest, but God forbid we talk about gun control. This man is to blame for murdering those innocent people, but dangerous weaponry should not be accessible for the average American Citizen. American Media The American Media is the biggest shit show on the face of the planet. I have a list of shit that I want you dumb fucks to just STOP. 1. Don’t show up to a massacre interviewing people. 2. Stop showing up to disaster zones (hurricane, earthquake, and flooded areas) interviewing victims. 3. Stop reporting unnecessary facts. 4. Actually investigate the occurrence and stop pulling information from social media. This list could go on forever, but I will spare you the ranting. The media seems to love to scare the shit out of the American public. They show pictures and all the graphic shit they can, but give you some bullshit warning before they show it. How about you just don’t show it. Stop giving so much glory to the murderer. He wanted to leave a legacy and he didn’t care that it was negative. The media then gives the world all the great statistics about the “massacre of Las Vegas”, which we don’t need. Help people find their friends and family with your reporting and what the politicians are doing to stop the accessibility of assault rifles. Once you help with those two things, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Wake Up! I will not be “Praying for Vegas” or changing my profile picture or anything else that just doesn’t matter to the victims and their families. I will vote for the correct politicians that don’t want assault rifles in American citizens hands. I will pray for the children that lost parents, parents that lost children, and people that lost loved ones in this tragedy. Fuck the NRA and all that are in favor of and with this dumb organization. Stop blaming ISIS, mental health, and other factors when it starts at the very top and needs to start in congress. 2015, 14 dead, 2016, 49 dead, 2017, 59 dead. Those are just the three “major shootings” in three consecutive years. To all that read, wake up and look at the bigger picture. One man may have pulled the trigger, but 56 politicians put the gun in his hand. Change happens when you start with yourself. Wake UP!!!! Written By Ronald Anthony Wilson. Let us all take a knee…… or better yet let’s stand? Who in the hell knows what to do and why we are doing it? The point in Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem, was to protest police brutality and murders against Black Americans. It started against police brutality and murders, and then people made it about the flag, then the soldiers, then the NFL, and now it’s about Donald Trump. What in the hell is going on? The point of a protest is to start dialogue that will lead to change around the subject of the protest. There has been dialogue started about the injustice but there are layers of bullshit dialogue that are piled on top of what matters. The point of the protests has been buried so deep that it isn’t even part of the conversations being had amongst individuals. The focus is now political and racial. I first want to say that Colin Kaepernick is brave for taking a knee during the national anthem, knowing the criticism and backlash that would accompany his actions. Regardless of what anyone thinks and that is including myself, it’s a brave act. The part that some black Americans just don’t understand is that, regardless of how it’s done the point is to speak up and take action against the murder of Black Americans by the police. You and I may think Colin had other motives for his actions, but at least he took ACTION. You must look at the bigger picture. Police brutality and the murdering of minorities by law enforcement has been happening since America was “discovered” (there is a reason for the quotes). I don’t think that will ever change as long as I shall live. The law was not meant for minorities to have fair treatment and it never will be that way. Black Americans being killed in cold blood while being recorded on camera, still isn’t enough for a conviction in the American judicial system. This is unfair and there shouldn’t be anyone that see’s it any other way. Murder is only just in a case of self-defense and there shouldn’t be any exceptions outside of that. The issue is that there has been footage of police shooting black men in the back while running or walking away. Black men have been killed many ways but all weren’t due to the police defending their lives or having their lives threatened. Police commit murder, go to trial, and then get to go home free and live in their misery. This fucking sucks, and needs to change from this day and going forward, but the only way this changes is if there is UNITY and ACTION. We all must sacrifice time, money and comfort. We must create discomfort for things to change and the way to create discomfort is to stand and be consistent in our stance. This stance must come from all races that are opposed to police murdering black men and not being convicted for a crime. I don’t care what you think about the protest, if it’s non-violent and peaceful it should be accepted. We must all work together and always keep the bigger picture in perspective. Disregard Donald Trump’s ignorance, and all other distractions and make this movement loud and uncomfortable for the government of the United States until change happens. The “uncle toms” will eventually fall in line and we all know who they are, but let them not be a distraction. Let all races and cultures assist and help in the movement of protest. United Americans will create change today, one race just isn’t enough. Black Americans are a damaged race of people and help is needed to overcome any injustice in America. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth. Life isn’t fair for anyone but it’s especially unfair for the non-white American. This means that minorities must work harder and longer for what they want. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others sacrificed their lives for EQUALITY, now are you willing to do the same? Written By: Ronald Anthony Wilson. |