"Only you can define life for you" Ron.
I have always loved history and learning about historical events. I know that it will not be 100% accurate but I still have that nostalgia for it all. I love the podcasts, books, documentaries, movies, and just stories all together. I say that to say this, history can be a gift and a curse for all of us on Earth today. Knowledge of our ancestors, architecture, family, and so on are healthy and intriguing. I think you can take that in, but you don’t have to live in it. I am writing this article because the past seems to have a hold on many of us today. I am speaking on the hold that is hindering us from moving forward in our lives. Intimate relationships are at the top of things that hold us back. The understanding that something ended that we were part of seems to be a stain on our psyche. Relationships END for a reason. The “love” stops for a reason. Love is a constant and is the strongest emotion in life. It will always over power hate and negativity. If it stops then it never existed in it’s pure form. You may have thought it was love but the other person definitely didn’t feel the same way. God placed you with that person for that moment for a reason in that period of time. After that moment ends and your no longer together, it’s time to move on. Oh, and it’s just that simple. You can’t move on with someone new if you’re holding on to the person in the past. They don’t matter anymore and closure is never really achieved in relationships ending. You have to create your own closure and stop looking for someone else to give you the closure needed to move on. No one can make you feel better, you have to make the decision to feel better for yourself. They played a role in your life’s movie and now that character is no longer playing that role. It’s time to have new people audition for your film. Culture and racial history has an even bigger hold on us all. Slavery, holocaust, and other great historical events are still so relevant today. Why is this the case and why haven’t we all moved on from these events? You can’t erase past events but why are they so relevant in 2018? I feel that it’s equivalent to breaking a leg, rehabilitating, and having it totally healed, but always making it known that you had a broken leg. You’re in a fight and the person you’re fighting kicks you in that leg. Do you let the person know that the leg he or she kicked was broken? I assume that if you do, the person will then concentrate on the leg that was once broken to then break it again. Looking for sympathy or a pat on the ass because of things that happened to your ancestors, will get you nowhere. We all know where the pain stems from but you do not have to refer to that when an issue arises. The person that is “attacking” you can give a damn about your ancestors, and I am sure the person will not stop the attack based on your ancestor’s pain. We all know that those events were tragic and horrible but let’s stop speaking on those issues and using them as leverage. Never ignore hatred and ignorance but stop giving it so much power. My ancestors went through hell and God bless those spirits that had to endure that kind of hell. I sympathize with them (ancestors) not a black person in 2018. There isn’t any slavery today and our opportunities are limitless. Our ancestors endured enough pain for us to stop trying to relive it. LIVE NOW!! People it’s time to move forward! Stop living in the past and having it affect your future plans and endeavors. Giving someone or some event from the past that much power in your life and having it as a reference isn’t healthy. “The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.” Written by: Ronald Anthony Wilson.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything.